Fellow entrepreneurs turned investors, here are my 2 cents in pitfalls to avoid when making the transition.
Overcome the obstacles of creating the winning pitch deck with advice from…
It's no secret that the Israeli tech sector is attracting global dollars…
Fintech offers a lot of investment opportunities with the necessary know-how as…
At M51, we believe at ‘lean mean, fail fast’ (LMFF) philosophy. If the name doesn’t sound familiar, here’s a quick recap. LMFF revolves around the large-scale testing and incremental development to discover if an idea has any value.
Ronen Menipaz
Saying networking is important in the business world is like saying the finale of Game of Thrones sucked - it’s obvious but there’s still something to say about it. As humans, we are hardwired to amass knowledge and in this line of work, that roughly translates to connections.
Ronen Menipaz
During my career, even when I was just starting, I’ve witnessed people grapple with what constitutes success.
Ronen Menipaz
There’s plenty written on the topic of micromanagement and most of it is as bad as having the idiotic ‘123456’ password people seem to persist on.
Ronen Menipaz
The world is becoming more globalized each day, driven by increasing digitalization in almost every aspect.
Tomer Irge
Expanding into new markets and establishing a presence is the natural and logical way of achieving business growth that has its challenging and risky side.
Tomer Irge
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